Wired for Connection: Understanding Coregulation and Polyvagal Theory
Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

Wired for Connection: Understanding Coregulation and Polyvagal Theory

Coregulation is a dynamic process where individuals attune to each other’s emotional states and behaviors, leading to a mutual regulation of feelings and physiological states. This phenomenon starts from infancy, where caregivers and infants engage in a dance of facial expressions, vocalizations, and touch, fostering a sense of safety and attachment. This early experience of coregulation lays the foundation for our ability to manage stress and emotions throughout life.

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The Healing Art of Auriculotherapy: Exploring Ear Seeding
Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

The Healing Art of Auriculotherapy: Exploring Ear Seeding

Unlike traditional acupuncture, which uses needles, auriculotherapy can utilize ear seeds, tiny beads or seeds placed on the ear's surface to exert pressure on specific points. This method is based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem that reflects the entire body, with each point on the ear corresponding to a specific organ, emotion, or part of the body.

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Rationalizing and intellectualizing  is actually harming not helping.
Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

Rationalizing and intellectualizing is actually harming not helping.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're facing a tough decision or dealing with a challenging emotion, and instead of fully experiencing it, you try to rationalize it away? Maybe you tell yourself, "It's not that big of a deal," or "I should just toughen up and get over it." Well, you're not alone. Many of us have been taught to intellectualize our emotions—to analyze them from a distance rather than actually feeling them.

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What is EMDR Therapy?
Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

What is EMDR Therapy?

Research unveils that these memories, stored in the brainstem like unsorted data, wreak havoc when unexpectedly summoned. Picture it: raw fragments causing emotional and physical ripples. EMDR, the mastermind with its bilateral wand, works to stitch those memories into a coherent narrative. It's like turning chaos into a story, one that heals and transforms the mind's tangled tapestry.

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The Pursuit of Calm: Lies from the New Age Spirituality movement
Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

The Pursuit of Calm: Lies from the New Age Spirituality movement

Let's delve into the concept of calm. Often portrayed as a serene state of mind, calm represents solace amidst life's storms. New Age spirituality romanticizes calm as a perpetual state, a destination rather than a fleeting experience. Detachment from worldly concerns is a core tenet of New Age spirituality. Practices like meditation and mindfulness are hailed as gateways to calm. Yet, our relentless pursuit may create an unrealistic expectation that calm should be our default mode. This can lead to emotional bypassing, where we use meditation to escape challenging emotions or invalidate our struggles compared to others' seemingly perfect lives.

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Intergenerational-trauma for Collective Care Seekers
Hee-Eun Kim Hee-Eun Kim

Intergenerational-trauma for Collective Care Seekers

Intergenerational trauma also be called ‘ancestral trauma’, can take on many forms as it typically dates back many generations. Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of trauma, adverse experiences, or negative cultural patterns across generations. This specific kind of trauma becomes real when it manifests in times of psychological distress which can impact our relationships, behaviors and even our physical health.

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Mao Beckett Mao Beckett

What is Somatic and Attachment Focused EMDR therapy?

Imagine memories as puzzle pieces scattered in the brain's attic. The Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, the wizard behind traditional EMDR therapy, steps in to tidy up the chaos. It targets memories that once stormed in, overwhelmed, and never got a proper cleanup. Research unveils that these memories, stored in the brainstem like unsorted data, wreak havoc when unexpectedly summoned.

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